Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace (week 2 assignment) Assignment

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace (week 2 ) - Assignment Example However, as time passes by, women’s role have changed and therefore, their needs have changed also. With the changing society, women need more flexibility. Women face structural and social issues that affects their flexibility in the workplace. However, there will come a time wherein the workplace will adapt to the changing workforce to be more productive. In the video, Open Mind: Women as Agents of Change Part I (2005), Kathleen Christensen raised the issue of the flexibility of women in the workplace. She argued that women need more flexibility in the workplace and the flexibility they needed is based on structural and social issue. Christensen believed that the private individual issues women are facing are not individual issues. She believes that these issues are structural problems. She believed that the structure of workplace is not suitable for the women especially to the mothers (Open Mind, 2005). For the past years, women are expected to take care of the children, sta y and organize home. However, as poverty spreads throughout the country, American women changed roles and entered the workplace which before, is exclusively for men. In 1889, Jane Addams and Ellen Gates opened an opportunity for middle class women to work, thus ignited the evolution of women in the workplace (Giraffe, 2011). This opportunity gave women the chance to go beyond what they are expected to do. This lifted the spirits of many women in the history and inspired them to pursue more participation in the society. Based on the history of America, women served as important instruments of change. Women fought for their rights that resulted to many changes in America. They participated in wars and leadership. Women proved that they are not only for housekeeping but they are also for the works that men usually do (Smith, 2009). The works women do in the society is indeed helpful for the progress of the country, however, their first role as mothers still outweighs their roles as wor kers in the society. The role of women as mothers and household keeper is in conflict with the demands of the present structure of workplace. The present workplace structure of the society is in conflict with the lifestyle of women. It affects their flexibility in work especially in time. The workplace of the society is designed for male workers. From the beginning, men are the ones working for the family. Most of the employers in workplace demands full time job (Giraffe, 2011). This means that the desired employees should have a lot of time and focus for the work. The jobs that requires full time employees are not suited for women workers who have family. After working, women are expected to organize home and look after their children. The required 40-hour a week for an employee is heavy for a woman who has children to take care of (Open Mind, 2005). This is the reason why some women are not flexible enough to do requirement of their jobs. Aside from the demanding schedule, the str ucture of workplace is designed for men’s activity. Before, farming is the dominating available work for people. During industrialization, different companies opened and created more jobs. Also the prominent available jobs during that time are on steel, coal, mining and cars industries (Giraffe, 2011). It can be analyzed that throughout the history, the workplace is designed for male workers. Although the war made an opportunity for women to participate in labor work because most men were in the battlefield, the work give to women are just temporary and inappropriate. Today, the available jobs can now be categorized as blue collar and white collar. However, most companies still view women as less competitive compared to men that’s why women cannot sometimes be in the job they wanted to be.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Igor Primoratz and Radical Feminists Sexuality Essay Example for Free

Igor Primoratz and Radical Feminists Sexuality Essay Rape is to be quite frank, the lowest and most demeaning act a man can do to a woman. Most would say that rape is physically forcing a woman to engage in a sexual act against her will. Radical feminists take a hard stance against this and believe most â€Å"normal† sex is to be included when discussing rape. Feminists argue that the very social fiber of our society in which there is inequality of men and women needs to be changed. Men use sex as a form of control, a way to oppress women. Consent becomes irrelevant as women are not on equal ground. Feminists, who want legitimate sex, say that to have such would require major change in the social position of women. Catherine A Mackinnon says that’s in our society sexuality is â€Å"a social construct of male power: defined by men, forced on women, and constructive of the meaning of gender.† She believes that all sex ranging from normal consensual sex, prostitution to pornography, and sexual harassment and rape is all showcasing the dominance of women by men. Women are often engaging in sex that they do not feminists argue that even with consent women will agree to sex for the purpose of pleasing a man, or to improve social acceptance.   When a woman has sex with a man and does not want it, when she acts under compulsion, Feminists argue that this is rape. Morgan states â€Å"Rape exists any time sexual intercourse occurs when it is not being initiated by the woman out of her own genuine affection and desire.† Feminists claim that sure they may not be under the threat of a knife to the throat but they are nonetheless threatened and as such these situations can be called rape. Such acts may not fall under the same umbrella as what is known as traditional rape, it is rape just the same. Wertheimer points out that a sexual offense is basically nonconsensual touching or bodily contact. This type of touching does not necessarily have to be violent and does not need to involve one penetrating the other. Another form would involve a violent assault or battery. Thirdly would be threats of violence. Finally a sexual assault may be from a fear of harms from penetration. These are all real forms of rape, not the type of rape that is expressed by the views of Radical Feminists. One must ask, are these statement made by Radical feminists truly in line with what is a sexual offense? Feminists also state, that woman who are coerced into sex albeit not physically threatened but by means of say threats to end a relationship, threats to find another lover, threats about how he feels about her and such are all forms of coercion. Thus, they are all forms of rape. In order for women to feel completely comfortable and make sex moral, they must be free of all forms of coercion. The problem with all this is that in our lives we are constantly coerced into things we may not want to do. Is this to say that all judgments or situations, in which one is coerced is therefore morally unacceptable? Primoratz says quite nicely that â€Å" every extrinsic consideration that gets us to do something is to count as coercion into doing it, and if we are truly free only in those actions we do for own sake, then we are all coerced in most of what we do and unfree most of the time.† Another problem is that sex that can used for the purposes of monetary gain, power, or social stature can all be seen as immoral even if both parties have agreed on consent. But this is not merely a problem blamed on the males of today, females do it too. For all sorts of different reasons than the ones Primoratz listed. Some may do it for drugs, alcohol, clothes, or other petty items. Point is, sex is a tool used by both men and women alike. So all sexually activity can not be morally acceptable while men and women are socially and economically unequal? So all people should be on equal ground before they can engage in a legitimate sexual relationship? It is near impossible to achieve such a situation in a capitalistic society. It is not unreasonable to have sex for the simple enjoyment of it. Why must there be a deeper meaning? It is ok to objectify both him and her in the act of sex, for the sole purpose of mutual ends. Wertheimer tells us when one should consent to sexual relations and uses Susan Moller Okin to state â€Å"justice applies to some interfamilial issues, such as the control of economic resources and the distribution of household labor, does justice also apply to sex?† Wertheimer implies that is acceptable for a husband to want sex and that it may not be something the wife wants at that time or that often but is she obliged to serve her man? Are his needs and her wanting to satisfy his needs more important than her need to not want sex? He sort of tip toes around it and doesn’t give a definitive answer. The argument as it pertains to movies is quite obvious, sure the wife or husband may be willing to put aside their urge to watch a certain movie but would the same issues be relevant to sex? Wertheimer describes what most of us refer to as â€Å"make-up sex†. That couples sometimes use such a moment to reaffirm their desire to demonstrate that their relationship is strong and not succumbing to the issues of a meaningless fight. Wertheimer definitely objectifies women and makes it seem as though they are the ones who must comply with their man’s needs. He uses his words wisely and states at the end â€Å"It might be argued that it is not merely that love can coexist with justice, but that to love another person is to want to be fair to them, or, more precisely, to ant to not to be unfair to them, for to love someone is typically to want to be more than fair to them, to be generous.†

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Death in Emily Dickinsons Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard

Death in Emily Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death," "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died," and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" Emily Dickinson's poems "Because I Could Not Stop for Death", "I Heard A Fly Buzz-When I Died", and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" all deal with one of life's few certainties, death. Dickinson's intense curiosity towards mortality was present in much of her work, and is her legacy as a poet. "Because I could Not Stop for Death" is one of Emily Dickinson's most discussed and famous poems due to its ambiguous, and unique view on the popular subject of death. Death in this poem is told as a woman's last trip, which is headed toward eternity. This poem helps to characterize and bring death down to a more personal level. Different from the more popular views of death being brutal and cruel, Dickinson makes death seem passive and easy. The theme of the poem being that death is natural and unstoppable for everybody, but at the same time giving comfort that it is not the end of a soul's journey. The reader can recognize the poem's theme by analysing its voice, imagery, figures of speech, form, diction and especially symbolism; all of which help the reader to understand the poem's meaning. The precise form that Dickinson uses throughout the poem helps convey her message to the reader. The poem is written in five quatrains. The way in which each stanza is written in a quatrain gives the poem unity and makes it easy to read. "Because I Could Not Stop for Death" starts to gives the reader a feeling of forward movement throughout the second and third quatrain. For example, in line 5, Dickinson begins death's journey with a slow, forward movement, which can be seen as she writes, "We... ...ngs are supposed to go when we die. Or we just assume that we will experience a peaceful extinguishment of life. The persona of these poems signifies that, even though we might have plans about the end, death is uncontrollable and unimaginable. Death is the supreme unknown; Mankind naturally fears what is unknown. Emily Dickinson is no different. Her works "Because I Could Not Stop For Death", "I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died", and "I Felt A Funeral In My Brain" all explored the subject of death. She was naturally scared of the thought of dying and explored many of the great questions in her poetry. Is there a Heaven or an afterlife? If you kill yourself will you still go to heaven? Is it your fate when you die? These are just some of the questions that people have asked themselves, and because Emily Dickinson is deceased, she now knows all the answers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

New Manager Stumbles Case Analysis Essay

Suggest some options for Goldstone at this point. What might he do to help himself achieve success in his current situation?  First, Goldstone must think back about what he has done in the last 6 months and analyze his own performance. In this way, he can find out what mistake he has made in his management ; also, he needs to figure out the reasons for why he was making mistakes. Afterwards, he needs to face the reality and encourage himself to ask people who is on higher level when he does not know what to do. For example, in this situation, he needs to stop being defensive and reluctant of talking with Ludlow. Instead, he needs to use his valuable experience to help him propose a solid plan and discuss with Ludlow. The conversation between him and Ludlow was not helpful for both his and the company’s development. Therefore, they need to both realize the problem and start to cooperate with each other in order to create a double-win situation for them. Secondly, it will be an great asset for Goldstone if he can find a mentor within the company or the company could assign a mentor who had sufficient experience to help Goldstone out. Indeed, the company had many training programs and also the employee development training seminar which allowed the managers to sit together and exchange their thoughts and experience. However, the training program was all about theory and was really difficult for managers to put it into action; also, the training seminar were not effective as all the managers were just feeling sympathized but not sharing any useful management advice with each other. In order to find out an effective way to solve the current problems, he needs to talk with a mentor whom he can consult from. Moreover, company needs to let him know that the mentor is more than welcome to consult him and answer his questions. Through this way, Goldstone can articulate the company’s strategy and benefit for a long term. Furthermore, Goldstone can suggest the executive level to develop more practical training and management skills for the new managers. In this way, Goldstone can have a better relationship with  executive level people as they can see Goldstone are putting efforts to this company; also, it is good for Bulwark’s long term development. Last, Goldstone needs to work on his people management. In addition to consulting from his potential mentors and Ludlow, he needs to figure out a way to manage the sales rep working for him. Instead of simply managing and instructing them what to do, he needs to maintain a good relationship with them. In other words, he needs to get respect from them and get trust from them. He needs to apply golden rule and think for his sales rep which can help him avoid accidents like losing Puckett happen again. Also, he needs to use his courage and his strength to win the respect from his best sales rep Tony Skrow. As Skrow is the most successful sales rep in his team, winning the respect and trust from him can help Goldstone getting the entire control of the whole team.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Friendship: Interpersonal Relationship and Friendships

Friends and Friendships in Emerging Adulthood Carolyn Manager Barry* Loyola University Maryland Stephanie D. Madsen McDaniel College â€Å"I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour. â€Å"l These lyrics began each episode of the popular sitcom Friends. The trials and tribulations of these six â€Å"20-something† friends captivated the American public for a decade until Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe, Chandler, and Rachel eventually transitioned to adulthood at the shows closure.Perhaps the shows popularity was due to having some truth in the fiction: (a) friends can be a proxy family for young people, offering invaluable advice, support, and musicianship; (b) friends can be of the same or opposite sex, but these two types of friendship work differently; (c) friends may engage in casual sex, but may also become involved romantically; (d) friendships are central to the lives of emerging adults, especially those who are single and not in a serious romantic relationship; a nd (e) friends help people to figure themselves out and influence their behavior, potentially for both good and bad.As is the case with all TV shows, there is also pure fiction in this sitcom: these six friends lived in the same apartments in the same city ND often held down the same Job for over a decade. Instead, instability is more the norm among realize emerging adults. Also, most American young people get married and become parent's in their late ass rather than the ass (as the sitcom depicted). So while close friendships are critical to emerging adults' happiness, search for their identities, and true loves, friends become less important once they've figured out the big questions of life and â€Å"settle down† in marriage, parenthood, and careers.Still, for emerging adults, friends can fill the growing gap between the time when they leave he families they grew * Carolyn Manager Barry is an associate professor of psychology at Loyola University Maryland. Stephanie Madsen is an associate professor of psychology at McDaniel College. 2 Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults up in and when they establish families of their own. Can Men and Women Be Friends? With persons of the same or opposite sex. Children need same-sex friendships in order to develop into socially skilled, moral, and empathetic adults.From the teen years on, it is common to make friends with both sexes, and these friendships can be f good quality, as seen in Rachel and Joeys friendship?they regularly shared problems, offered support, and simply enjoyed each other's company. Still, people most prefer same-sex friendships throughout their lives, and it is less common for men and women to be friends beyond college or after one friend marries. Friendships between men and women differ in some ways from those between people of the same sex. Men's friendships with women are more emotionally intimate than their friendships with men.And heterosexual men often seek friendships with women to w hom they are sexually attracted. Not surprisingly then, approximately Alfa of opposite-sex friends in college report that they have engaged in sexual behavior, which has the potential to hurt the relationship. However, many college students believe that sex enhances a friendship's quality and helps them to consider whether they want to remain â€Å"Just friends† or move on to something more. What Are Friendships Like? There appears to be some truth to the old adage â€Å"birds of a feather flock together. Certainly we saw this portrayed in the six characters on Friends. All shared the same ethnicity (European American), enjoyed the same activities (sipping coffee at Central Perk), and had similar levels of social skills (though Joey seemed more adept at getting dates than Ross or Chandler). Such similarities offer a common ground that strengthens friendships and helps them to endure. Women's friendships are often communal?offering companionship, intimacy, emotional security, and affection. Friends Rachel and Monica supported each other with late-night chats.Men's friendships emphasize competition and are more gigantic? providing help, a reliable alliance, and self-validation. Friends Joey and Chandler 3 competed in videotapes from matching recliners. Still, men and women value friendships with all of these features (perhaps placing greater importance on the communal). From the teen years on, intimacy becomes the hallmark of friendships and is related to how close we feel toward our friends. Emerging adults' friendships are even more emotionally intimate than their friendships of Just a few years earlier. Relationship quality depends not only on what you give friends, but also what you get.In addition to the healthy dimensions we described above, friendships can also have negative aspects, such as frequent conflict, power inequities, and antagonism. Women's friendships, in particular, can fall prey to co-rumination, where women obsess over problems in t heir lives in conversations with friends instead of taking fruitful action. In one episode of Friends, Chandler sought support from the girls following a break-up; they urged him to talk about his feelings (adding, â€Å"if you want to lead to depression. Thankfully, positive friendship qualities can help buffer negative ones.Friends focused on one particular cultural and ethnic group. Likewise, current research on emerging-adult friendships largely ignores cultural influences on friendships, though important differences exist. For example, different ethnic groups seek different friendship qualities. Asian Americans emphasize an amicable exchange of ideas, African Americans seek acceptance and respect, Latino Americans highlight the importance of relational support, and European Americans focus on meeting individual needs of each friend. How Do Friendships Change across Emerging Adulthood?Given the many transitions that emerging adults face, it is not surprising that their friendsh ips change as well. Transformations in friendships and friendship networks relate to life stage rather than age. So knowing that a person is 20 versus 26 does not ell us much about their friendships. Instead, knowing whether they are romantically involved or have children is much more informative than age alone. Friends are frequent companions, getting together at least once a week for no specific purpose (for example, gathering at Central Perk Just to talk) and less frequently 4 for events such as movies, parties, and concerts.Friends find less time to get together as they progress toward adulthood. Despite these overall changes in approaches to friendship networks, emerging adults keep their individual patterns of interacting with friends. So a very social or very shy teen will adopt the same approach to friendship networks as an emerging adult. The small friendship network on Friends remained stable over 10 years?not at all typical of most emerging adults' networks. Instead, emer ging adults become increasingly flexible in whom they include in friendship networks and how they maintain these networks.They grow more accepting of opposite-sex friendships, even keeping former boyfriends or girlfriends on as friends. European American emerging adults' friendship networks become more diverse (especially if they are exposed to more diverse social networks through allege or work), but the networks of African American, Latino American, and Asian American emerging adults become less diverse (especially if they invest in activities and groups linked to their ethnicity). Relative to the rest of the lifespan, friendship networks are the largest during early emerging adulthood and get smaller later on in emerging adulthood.Although women have more close friends than do men on average, men's and women's friendship networks are of equal size. Still, the friendship network on Friends did illustrate the density that is typical of emerging adults' friends. It is common for man y network members to share common links (working at the same place, living in the same building) or even to be friends with each other. People tend to form relationships with others in their same social situation. True to life, the characters in Friends shared roughly the same place in life when their group formed.They were single, had no or few childcare responsibilities, and were still searching for meaningful careers. More on the side of fiction, the friendship network of these television friends did not change in response to their own life changes, as is happily. Friends seldom featured the workplace, but many emerging adults find friends there as they explore career pathways and settle into adult work roles. Career stage influences the lives of single emerging-adult men, especially.These men often have large 5 friendship networks preparer, but have few friends who provide emotional or instrumental support; the time constraints inherent in beginning a career bring friendship net works down to a more manageable size. Career transitions don't seem to alter single women's friendship networks in the same way?women maintain ironsides networks during their careers that are similar in size to those they had while in their late teens and early ass. The characters on Friends had many romantic involvements, and whether emerging adults are single, dating, or married affects friendship networks.Single and dating people are strongly attached to friends, naming friends as their top companions and confidants. In contrast, romantically involved emerging adults change the time they spend with friends. Early in their relationships, emerging-adult couples spend more time with friends to introduce them to their new romantic interest. But as the relationship gets serious, the couple withdraws from the circle of friends. This was shown in the final season of Friends. By then Monica and Chandler had hooked up, fallen in love, and gotten married.When the group of friends gathered to celebrate Earache's daughter's first birthday, Monica and Chandler instead opted to sneak away for a romantic weekend alone. Typically, withdrawal is selective, with couples spending less time with peripheral friends and more time with friends who support their relationship. A few Friends characters became parent's, an event that typically happens at the end of?or even after?emerging adulthood. Although their tight friendship network remained stable, parenthood normally reorganizes friendship networks.New parent's report fewer friends following the birth of a child, and fathers, especially, report less satisfying and supportive friendships than they experienced beforehand. Family members generally do not try (and in truth feel that they should not try) to influence who emerging adults' friends are or what they do with these friends. And friendships don't often influence family relationships. Instead, some emerging adults view their friends as â€Å"being† family. Sexual-mi nority emerging adults whose families reject them sometimes adopt a family of choice from a network of supportive friends.Other emerging adults do this too, as shown when Friends characters spent Thanksgiving together instead of Joining their families. Likewise, it is common to hear emerging 6 emerging adults sometimes consider family members (especially siblings or cousins) to be friends. For example, Ross and Monica were siblings who offered each other companionship and emotional intimacy. Finding close ties among family members provides a ready source of support, but being more involved with peers helps merging adults weather some transitions better (for example, moving away from home).Friends and friendship networks also influence romantic relationships. For example, emerging adults often find new romantic partners within their existing friendship networks. This meaner that the diversity found within an emerging adult's friendship network influences the likelihood that he or she will date someone of a different race. Friends complain loudly when too much time is spent with a romantic partner (but they are likely to support the romantic relationship if they know the boyfriend or girlfriend well).Friends' support (or lack of support) for a romantic relationship affects the couple's level of commitment to the relationship. Perhaps knowing this, emerging adults are sometimes selective about the friends to whom they introduce a new romantic partner. Friends can influence break-ups, but they do so infrequently. Couples don't stay together for the sake of their friends, even though there can be a high cost to breaking up with a romantic partner when they share the same friends. For example, throughout the series, Ross and Rachel had an on-again, off-again relationship.Each time they broke up, it disrupted their friendship network. Why Do Friendships Matter to Emerging Adults? From toddlers to old age, we have friends. But why are they so important in the lives of emerging adults? First, friends support emerging adults' identity development. Friendships provide feelings of worth as well as opportunities for story telling and frank discussions about religion, life aspirations, moral dilemmas, and relationships. Certainly, friends' banter at Central Perk not only rehashed the weeks events, but also tried to make sense of the world around them.The intimacy forged wrought these heartfelt discussions not only helps with finding oneself, but also nurtures close friendships. Second, friendships contribute to how emerging adults feel about themselves; feeling good (or bad) about your friendships coincides with feeling good (or bad) about 7 yourself. Emerging adults who rarely spend time with their friends are lonely. But spending time with friends who validate their feelings brings happiness (perhaps this explains why Joey was perpetually happy, despite not having much success as a which are useful during the many?and at times anxiety-inducing?trans itions that merging adults face.Third, friendships support emerging adults' understandings of how relationships work, and, in fact, many discussions center on these ties. Friendships provide occasions to see things from someone else's point of view. This, in turn, helps emerging adults to think through issues more critically and carefully. Fourth, friendships offer companionship?both in person and from afar?during what can be a lonely time. Over the past decade, emerging adults have increasingly relied upon cell phones, testing, instant messaging, and social networking sites like Faceable to communicate with friends.Online friendships can be good ones, especially when they last long enough to develop into emotionally close and supportive relationships that supplement existing friendships. On the other hand, having 800 â€Å"online friends† is not equivalent to having friends you see regularly. In the coming years, maybe we'll know what benefits online-only friendships serve a nd when it is that technologies improve?rather than undermine?friendships. For now it is safe to say that most emerging adults use technology to enhance existing friendships rather than to replace them.Lastly, friendships involve intimacy and interdependence, and the development of these skills supports ongoing and future romantic relationships. Same-sex friends regularly discuss their romantic relationships?especially problems. Given that men find the most intimacy in their friendships with women, these friendships probably help them to develop emotional intimacy skills they'll need for other close relationships. Can Birds of a Feather Shape a Flock? Emerging adults report that friends affect their major life decisions.In fact, friends' behaviors affect emerging adults' positive outcomes, including church attendance. Friends' behaviors also influence more negative outcomes (e. . , those with aggressive 8 friends are more likely to abuse their romantic partners). Besides friends' be havior, the quality of the friendship matters, with â€Å"better† friendships promoting positive adjustment and reducing problem behaviors. We don't yet know whether these effects are due to choosing a bird with similar feathers or birds shaping each other's behavior? likely it is a bit of both. What Does Friends Teach Us about Friends?Friends went off the air in 2005, but through DVD releases and syndication it continues to illustrate core concepts about emerging-adult friendships today. This show offers key implications for practitioners working with actual 20-something friends. 1 . Friendships are important in emerging adulthood, but their importance changes as romantic relationships become more salient and stable. Amid emerging- adults' numerous transitions, practitioners should ask troubled young people about and (mostly) platonic opposite-sex friendships, in reality these are less common than same-sex ones.As seen in Ross and Earache's relationship, the line between a f riend and a romantic/sexual partner is often fuzzy, creating feelings of anticipation and disappointment. Practitioners should be careful not to assume that opposite-sex friendships among heterosexuals are platonic or romantic. 3. Practitioners should strive to create environments that support friendships with diverse peoples. For many young people, moving out on their own provides their first exposure to individuals with substantially different backgrounds and ideas from their own. Interactions with these individuals can support growing maturity. . Friends are influential for better and for worse. Helping emerging adults form friendships with people who show positive behaviors (e. G. Ammonia's career success) will, in turn, promote successful development. Likewise, emerging adults whose friends are making poor life decisions may find it helpful to distance themselves from these friends and align themselves with other friends who are making better decisions. 9 5. Friendships are par ticularly important for marginalia peoples (ethnic or sexual minorities), and efforts to form friendships with allies and similar others will serve these young people well.For some, friendship and family networks overlap. Friends may be close enough to be considered â€Å"family'; likewise, some emerging adults insider family members to fulfill friendship needs as well, as Monica and Ross clearly did. 6. Although Friends' characters were limited to cell phone use, modern- day emerging adults are as'. N. Y with technologies such as testing and social networking sites to support existing friendships rather than supplant them. This appears to be a positive dimension of friendships that makes sense given that they are always on the move.But practitioners should encourage face-to-face interactions, particularly for very personal and life-transforming discussions?not all of life's battles can be won or lost via Faceable. . Emerging adults weather transitions best when they maintain exist ing friendships but are open to forming new friendships. For example, upon moving to the city, Rachel rekindled her old friendship with Monica but established new friendships with the other four. This may be challenging for some emerging adults who prefer to stick close to family, but making friends in new settings benefits them in the long run.Throughout our whole lives?but especially in emerging adulthood, it seems?we need friends who will â€Å"be there† for Notes The Rembrandt (1995), â€Å"I'll Be There for You,† Atlantic Records. Episode 14; â€Å"The One with the Cake,† season 10, episode 4; â€Å"The One with All the Thanksgivings,† season 5, episode 8; â€Å"The Pilot† (â€Å"The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate†), season 1, episode 1 . 10 Annotated Bibliography Fall, W. A. , and Faulkner, S. L. (2000). On being â€Å"Just friends†: The frequency and impact of sexual activity in cross-sex friendships. Journal of Social and Pe rsonal Relationships, 17, 205-222.Can women and men be â€Å"Just friends†? These authors sampled American university students and found that some emerging adults can have platonic friendships with the opposite sex. However, approximately half of heterosexual college students have had sex with opposite-sex friends. Among those who added â€Å"benefits† to their friendships, some did so frequently and others only every few years. The overwhelming majority of these friends were single when sexual encounters occurred, but a third of these friendships included at least one romantically involved friend.Having sex with a friend was relationship-enhancing in some cases and quite damaging in others. Allan, G. (2008). Flexibility, friendship, and family. Personal Relationships, 15, 1-16. In a comprehensive and current overview of reindeer's (including friendships in emerging adulthood), this author highlights instances where friendship and family overlap, support each other, an d are in conflict with each other. A sociologist, Dry. Allan especially focuses on societal changes over the past 40 years that have allowed people to enjoy greater freedom and flexibility in forming their own personal relationships.He reflects on suffusion in relationships (the merging family and friend relationships) but emphasizes that people have distinct understanding of these two types of relationships. Bagel, C. L. , Bender, S. E. Andresen's, C. L. , Kinshasa, T. L. , Monticello, S. A. , and Mueller, J. G. (2005). Friendship quality and perceived relationship changes predict psychosocial adjustment in early adulthood. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 22, 235- 254. 11 It seems that although friends agree about the quality of their relationship, each person has a slightly different view of the relationship.When friends disagreed about their relationship, they felt less satisfied about the friendship and were more hostile. So while having friendships with positive d imensions is important, noting the extent f negative dimensions in the relationship matters as well, particularly as it can shape an individual's well-being. Barry, C. M. , Madsen, S. D. , Nelson, L. J. , Carroll,J. S. , adulthood: Differential associations with identity development and achieved adulthood criteria. Journal of Adult Development, 16, 209-222. How do friendships change as emerging adults move toward adulthood?In a study of over 700 emerging adults, these authors found that people who were more â€Å"adulteries† actually had poorer quality friendships than did those who had not yet made adult commitments. In contrast, adulteries emerging adults had better romantic relationships. It seems that some of the steps toward becoming an adult (settling into a career, avoiding risky behavior, etc. ) might happen because of romantic partners more than because of friends. Boost, K. K. , Cox, M. J. , Brunching, M. R. , and Payne, C. (2002).Structural and supportive changes i n couples' family and friendship networks across the transition to parenthood. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64, 517-531. Having a baby changes everything?including friendship networks. These authors followed 137 couples from he time they were expecting to their children's second birthdays. Close friendships were especially important to new mothers over this time period, while their husbands' friendship networks declined and became less satisfying. For all parent's, having close friendships protected against feelings of depression during this transition.Crabber, J. , and Burgomaster, D. (1998). Friendship and need fulfillment during three phases of young adulthood. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 15, 393-409. 12 Changing Spirituality of Emerging Adults These scholars examined how friendship lays out in different phases of emerging adulthood defined by family roles rather than by age: the single phase, the meritorious-children phase, and the parenthood phase. Emerging adults rely on friends to meet social needs the most during the single phase, slowing down their reliance as they move to the married and parenthood phases.Women call on friends for emotional support more than men do across all three phases. Deck', E. L. , Laggardly, J. G. , Miller, A. C. , schemer, M. J. , and Ryan, R. M. (2006). On the benefits of giving as well as receiving autonomy support: Mutuality in close friendships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 313-327. Is it better to give than to receive support? The originators of Self-Determination Theory (Decide and Ryan, 2000) showed that receiving support from authority figures makes a big difference in people's motivation and satisfaction.This study extends their findings to friendships, where each partner is equal in terms of their authority. Indeed, people benefit by giving and receiving autonomy support to/from their friends, but it is the giving of such support to a close friend that matters more to a person 's well-being. Admire, M. , Oxidize, M. , and Whitecap, L. A. (2007). Looking to happy tomorrows with friends: Best and close friendships as they predict happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 8, 243-271. While friendship and happiness seem like a natural fit, the story is more complicated.Do all friends make people happy? The scholars find that spending time with a best friend makes people happy, especially when they also spend time with a person's happiness. Female, D. H. (2001). No couple is an island: A social network perspective on dyadic stability. Social Forces, 79, 1259-1287. How do friends affect emerging adults' romantic relationships? Interestingly, this study finds that thinking hat friends support a romantic relationship matters more 13 than how much they actually support it.These perceptions of support from friends lead to more stable relationships, but at the same time, having a really close best friendship makes it less likely that a romantic relationship will endu re (perhaps because the friendship competes with the romantic partnership for one's time). It seems that friendships can have both positive and negative effects on emerging adults' romantic relationships. Grief, G. L. (2009). Buddy system: Understanding male friendships. New York: Oxford University Press. Considerable emphasis has been given to women's friendships with their hallmark high levels of emotional intimacy.The author levels the playing field in this book by summarizing extensive interviews with 400 men to describe what makes their friendships tick, affirming the importance of friendships for the well-being of men and communities. Additional interviews with women allow for appropriate contrast between the two genders. The author presents a typology of different kinds of male friendships: must (friends with whom it is critical to share important news), trust (highly liked friends, but not as useful as a must reined), Just (acquaintances who are companions), and rust friends (long-time friends).Lastly, characteristics of male friendships from early to late adulthood are described and interwoven with meaningful life events that shape these close relationships. Hearth, W. W. , and Stevens, N. (1997). Friendships and adaptation in the life course. Psychological Bulletin, 121, 355-370. These scholars show that friendships add considerable value throughout the lifespan. People's expectations and descriptions of their friends change throughout life, which makes sense given that people's thinking becomes more sophisticated. Regardless of these changes, people of all ages agree that friendships should involve both give and take.How friends engage with one another does change with age and situation. While having friends generally is a good thing for people, it depends upon the identity of friends and the quality of these relationships. 14 Letterer, A. M. , Griffin, E. M. , and Sparks, G. G. (2007). Forecasting â€Å"friends forever†: A longitudinal inves tigation of sustained closeness between best friends. Personal Relationships, 14, 343-350. Following a cohort of university students from 1983 until 2002, these scholars examine which college friendship characteristics matter in

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The fire station goals, objectives and missions.

The fire station goals, objectives and missions. Introduction To study the goals and mission of the fire department, I will take the New York City fire department as an example. The fire station is guided by a written goals and objectives stated in the FDNY strategic plan for the 2009-2010. The New York City fire station is for the third time publishing its goals and objectives, enabling it to successfully implement its services to the community.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The fire station goals, objectives and missions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Main text The station had five specific goals and objectives for the year 2009 to 2010. The objectives include improvement on the emergency on the response to the fires, natural disasters and other emergency situations. Second is providing the stations members with the good health and safety. The third goal is to strengthen the development of both the management and the administration. The fourth goal is for th e station to increase its services in other region. Lastly, the fire station needs to advance in the fire prevention services and also on the safety teachings methods. The stations objectives are important for the community since the people can benefit from the wide range of services that will ensure less property destruction from fires. Also there will be quick response to the hospital emergencies, harmful material accidents, abnormal disasters, and other situations that requires emergence response. In the year 2007 to 2008, the New York fire station had established a three years Borough commands strategic planning system which had followed the department of bureau operations goals. The fire station had also an objective in the year 2010 of forming Borough commands department that meant to address the queens and Staten Island division, battalions and companies. The department aim was to serve the New York City residents and visitors. The department was also aimed at giving all the station members and the public, the necessary information and vivid understanding of the fire stations achievements and future stations growth. The New York fire station has also incorporated its goals and objectives in the fire service agency program. The station has several service agency programs including the special operations command service agency, the customers and stakeholders’ services agency system among other service agencies. Each of these agencies has it own performances distinct from each other although each agency helps the fire station to achieve its objectives. On the other hand, the fire station operational programs like response to the emergency operations and fire prevention in the community have supportive hand to the agency goals and strategic plan.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The fire station aims at training the fire officers an d soldiers and taking them to USA for a bachelor’s degree in fire science and safety. Under this plan, the station will be enhancing its mission which states that it is targeting at giving the first response to any emergency. Also by training the fire workers, the station will be able to achieve its mission by protecting the community lives and properly. Trained officers and soldiers will resource the fire station with necessary skills that will advance the New York public safety. On the other hand training of the officers will help the station to deliver its service on time therefore contributing significantly to the safety of New York community. Conclusion The New York fire station has goal and objectives are aimed in benefiting the community at large. The fire station is also aimed at becoming one of the best fire station in New York and the environs.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Carnival Cruise Lines Today Tourism Essay Essay Example

The Carnival Cruise Lines Today Tourism Essay Essay Example The Carnival Cruise Lines Today Tourism Essay Paper The Carnival Cruise Lines Today Tourism Essay Paper Carnival Cruise Lines is a planetary sail company and one of the largest holiday companies in the world.A CCL generates all of its grosss from the sail industry. The company s wide-ranging merchandise offerings provide invitees with exceeding holiday experiences at an outstanding value. The success in supplying quality sail holidaies has made CCL the most profitable company in the leisure travel industry. Carnival Cruise Line s stock is dually listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and on the London Stock Exchange under symbol CCL. It is the lone company in the universe to be included in both the S A ; P 500 index in the United States and the FTSE 100 index in the United Kingdom ( Carnival Corporation A ; PLC, 2012 ) . Carnival Cruise Lines operates a fleet of 100 ships, with another seven ships scheduled for bringing between now and March 2016. With about 200,000 invitees and 77,000 shipboard employees, there are more than 277,000 people sailing aboard CCL s fleet at any given clip ( Carnival Corporation A ; PLC, 2012 ) . For the intent of our study it is important to understand how the Carnival Cruise Lines Corporation works today. We need to understand how the assorted facets of the concern are set up and how they work together. Merely after a true apprehension of the current state of affairs, we can come with proposals for betterment and bespeak the impact on current ways of working. In literature one can ticket many theoretical accounts that can be used to look at an organisation with an internal position. In appendix X we provide an overview of some direction theoretical accounts we have found in literature, with an account why, when and how it should be used. Since our study needs to cover the execution of a new IT direction scheme, we have decided to utilize McKinsey s 7S theoretical account as shown in figure Ten. This theoretical account, developed in the 1980 s, involves 7 factors, which can be categorized as difficult and soft elements. Difficult elements can be identified and influenced more easy. They would be driven by the organisation charts and describing lines within the concern and they may include the systems you use to acquire work done. Soft elements are, by their very nature, more hard to pull off and may be affected by the civilization of the organisation. But you have to use yourself to these every bit much as the difficult elements, as they provide the support construction for the successful execution of any alteration, and they are all interdependent on each other. Figure 7S model ( McKinsey ) The difficult elements in the 7S-model are Strategy, Structure and Systems ; the soft elements are Style, Shared Values, Skills and Staff. In order to understand the 7S-model better a brief account is given below. Difficult elements of the 7S-model: StrategyA by utilizing mission and vision the organisation s aims become clear. StructureA how is the organisation structured and which hierarchal beds are at that place SystemsA all formal and informal methods of operation, processs and communicating flows Soft elements of the 7S-model: StyleA this is about leading and direction manners Shared valuesA the criterions and values and other signifiers of moralss within an organisation in which vision, corporate civilization and individuality are the cardinal elements SkillsA these concern both the accomplishments of the organisation and those of the employees StaffA this is about the employees, their competencies and occupation descriptions In add-on to the above elements we added two paragraphs specifically on Information Management and Risk Management to give a complete overview of the state of affairs of Carnival Cruise Lines today. 2.1 Strategy of CCL The mission of Carnival Cruise Lines is to take the universe on holiday and present exceeding experiences through many of the universe s best-known sail trade names that cater to a assortment of different geographic parts and life styles, all at an outstanding value unrivaled on land or at sea ( Carnival Corporation A ; PLC, 2012 ) . The vision statement of CCL is the undermentioned: to systematically present merriment, memorable holidaies at a repetition value ( Carnival Corporation A ; PLC, 2012 ) . Derived from this mission and vision, Carnival Cruise Lines has set up the following strategic aims: to be the taking sail operator in allA sections entered and to keep the most up-to-date fleet of sail ships in the universe to develop new cruiseA sections and advanced sail bundles to make a larger figure of possible andA past patrol cars employ sophisticated promotional attempts toA achieve a greater consciousness by the publicA refering the handiness and afford ability ofA sail travel pull the first-time and younger patrol cars ( Carnival ) , experient patrol cars ( Holland America ) , upscale patrol cars ( Seaborne ) , and patrol cars desiring a seafaring holiday ( Windstar ) promote sails as anA alternate toA land-based holidaies supply a assortment of activities every bit good as ports of call be advanced in all respects of operations of the ship. All enterprises that are taken by Carnival Cruise Lines demand to be in line with the mission, vision and strategic aims ( Carnival Corporation A ; PLC, 2012 ) . With respect to the scheme of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strengths can be identified: Strengths Failings Dominant market portion Strong acquisition scheme Comprehensive portfolio ( aim groups ) Strength Dominant market portion The biggest strength of Carnival Cruise Lines is its immense graduated table and range. The company is twice every bit big as its biggest rival and competes in about every market and section worldwide ( Appendix X ) . This gives CCL tremendous power over the sail industry as a whole. It enables the company to set about undertakings that grow the industry, gives it a platform for continued amalgamations and acquisitions activity, and helps CCL negotiate with major makers of sail ships ( Levin, Jones, A ; Slade, 2011 ) . In all enterprises and undertakings that are undertaken by the company, the inducement is ever to maintain that dominant market portion and even to turn it farther. CCL wants to be a leader, and this will be reflected in direction determinations. Strength Strong acquisition scheme Carnival Cruise Lines has the ability to obtain companies through acquisitions. By utilizing an acquisition scheme, the Corporation has been able to place itself in each geographical market in the universe and rank itself as figure one in the cruising sector. However, this strength besides consequences in a extremely decentralized IT landscape, as described in paragraph 2.8. Strength Comprehensive portfolio ( aim groups ) The corporation has a big fleet capacity and operates 10s of the most recognizable sail trade name names. CCL s portfolio of trade name names entreaties to about every niche market, from budget minded, modern-day to luxury sails ( Marketingteacher, 2012 ) . Each sail line operates globally and is targeted at one or more nationalities ( Appendix X ) . This is linked to the fact that CCL wants to be the leader in the cruising industry and wants to maintain the dominant market portion. 2.2 Structure of CCL Carnival Cruise Lines Corporation A ; plc has two chief central offices, Carnival Place in the US and Carnival House in the UK. The constitutional Corporation and plc are separate listed companies with different stockholder organic structures, but they jointly own all the operating companies in the group. Both central offices have their ain direction squad, scheme, and IT organisation. Within Carnival Cruise Lines every trade name is seen as a separate concern unit, with its ain net income and loss statement. With respect to the construction of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strengths and failings can be identified: Strengths Failings Strong fiscal place Clear focal point on cost leading Strong selling Decentralization of concern operations Decreasing net income Over-dependence on US market Strength Strong fiscal place Carnival Cruise Lines is one of the most profitable cruising companies. The company s mean net income ( FY2005 to FY2009 ) amounted to 18.1 % compared to the industry criterion of 6.3 % ( Marketingteacher, 2012 ) . The house is double listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange under the symbol CCL. Since the company is double listed, it has the ability to raise more financess from investor than its rivals. With this besides comes greater stableness due to different markets being affected by different economic happenings, political issues, and society s positions ( Levin, Jones, A ; Slade, 2011 ) . Due to the strong fiscal place, CCL has a certain luxury to take strategic of import and cutting border determinations and, at the same clip, put the necessary financess to do it possible. Strength Clear focal point on cost leading Carnival Cruise Lines has a clear focal point on Cost Leadership, i.e. CCL offers its merchandise to the mass market. Therefore the highest focal point is put on the monetary value and maintaining the monetary value every bit low as possible. Once the client is on board the ship, extra gross is created by holding the client wage for everything that was non covered in the basal monetary value. CCL is such a big company that it has important cost advantages over most of its rivals. Unlike Royal Caribbean where the focal point is on presenting the best client experience ( Appendix X, interview Vicki Freed ) , the focal point at CCL is more on supplying the best sail for the lowest sum. Additional grosss are generated one time a client is onboard. Strength Strong selling Carnival Cruise Lines invests explicitly and efficaciously in print and telecasting media. Their publicities target the life styles of each group of clients ( Marketingteacher, 2012 ) . This scheme enables CCL to acquire name acknowledgment in every market section, therefore the different sail lines under the trade name. Failing Decentralization of concern operations Historically, CCL has been run by the Arison household as a alliance of mostly independent concerns. Each sail line mostly manages its ain clients, selling, distribution, gross revenues, ports, and logistics. This attack has had benefits: internal competition means that each line operates better than any would in isolation. The annual capital planning procedure happens on both the US side as on the UK side, which might take to duplicate of attempt. The concern operations of the sail lines are non centrally managed. Better coordination of these concern operations could bring forth extra benefits for Carnival Cruise Lines ( Levin, Jones, A ; Slade, 2011 ) . Figure Organization chart Carnival Cruise Lines Figure X gives the high-ranking organisation chart of CCL. On the left manus side all the 10 trade names with their presidents are listed, with a direct line to Mickey Arison. As stated above, although there is a direct coverage line to Mickey Arison, every trade name is managed as a concern unit with its ain net income and loss. On right manus side all the back uping maps, such as HR, legal, IT, aˆÂ ¦ are listed with their CxO or caput of section. These sections have a direct coverage line to Mickey Arison every bit good, but in every concern unit there is an ain representation of each back uping map with a coverage line to the president of the trade name. The communicating between the concern unit representation and the CxO of the back uping map is non ever seamless, which can take to duplicate of attempt. Failing Decreasing net income The net income of CCL has diminished over the last old ages. The net net income was $ 1,790 million in FY2009, a lessening of 23.2 % as compared to 2008. The net income recovered some in 2010 and 2011 but neer reached the degree of 2008 ( see appendix X ) Another failing is that Carnival Cruise lines studies their fiscal statements in dollars. About half of their gross is generated in a non-US currency, but is reported in footings of US dollars. The value of the dollar against Euro appreciated from 1.60 in January 2010 to 1.53 by April 2010 against the Pound. If the dollar strengthens it would enter a lower gross than is really earned ( Marketingteacher, 2012 ) . The force per unit area on net income will maintain on adding force per unit area on taking the right direction determinations and puting in the right chances. Failing Over-dependence on US market Carnival Cruise Lines derives a bulk of its gross ( about 52 % ) from US clients. In 2009 the gross from the North American market registered a dual digit diminution. The over-dependence on the US market makes CCL vulnerable to the economic fluctuations of the American economic system and this company is dependent on clients disposable income ( Marketingteacher, 2012 ) . All sail companies, CCL every bit good, are traveling their focal point from the US market to Europe and Asia. Particularly in Asia there is a immense growing potency. 2.3 Systems within CCL This paragraph gives a high degree overview of systems as mentioned in the 7S theoretical account: all formal and informal methods of operation, processs and communicating flows. In paragraph 2.8 we focus on Information Technology systems and the current IT landscape. With respect to the systems of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strengths and failings can be identified: Strengths Failings IT incorporated in company consequences No prioritization procedure in topographic point No benefits tracking No incorporate CRM procedure Strength IT incorporated in company consequences In some companies IT is considered as free of charge, since IT is non incorporated in the company consequences. This leads to a deformed position of company/business unit consequences. However, Carnival Cruise Lines incorporates the costs of IT in the company/business unit consequences, which allows both the company/business unit itself to acquire a more realistic position of the consequences, but besides the market gets a more trusty position of the consequences. This leads to a more positive ranking in the market. Failing No prioritization procedure in topographic point Since every concern unit is set up as an ain net income and loss centre, every concern unit deems their ain undertaking to be the most of import. Presently, there is no prioritization procedure in topographic point on the concern side, which leads to a uninterrupted flow of undertakings that need IT resources. Failing No benefits tracking Many undertakings get kicked off and assure benefits. However there is no procedure in topographic point to mensurate these benefits after the undertaking has been delivered. This allows the concern to maintain on making extra undertakings to present the same thing, once more leting concern addition costs alternatively of cut downing costs. Failing No incorporate CRM procedure Carnival Cruise Lines does non hold an integrated CRM procedure in topographic point for the whole corporation. This leads to the fact that clients from the one sail line are nt recognized as a repetition client with a different sail line within the group, this has an immediate consequence on the pricing for repetition clients. Besides, due to the deficiency of this procedure, the organisation can non aim specific clients groups, based on their old behaviour on the sail, since that information is merely disconnected available. 2.4 Style within CCL The leading manner at Carnival Cruise Lines can be called family-like. This family-like leading manner is a direction manner that Ted Arison already used when he was still maneuvering the company. Ted Arison had a non-hierarchical attack to direction, significance that he delegated a batch of work downwards in the organisation, leting him to supervise the bigger image ( Managementparadise, 2012 ) . With respect to the manner of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strength can be identified: Strengths Failings Leadership manner authorising people Strength Leadership manner authorising people Peoples with the right accomplishments are hired and are giving the support and room to make their occupations right. Peoples are encouraged to be hands-on and take deliberate hazards. Taking hazards besides means that errors can happen, nevertheless CCL uses a no blasted civilization through which people feel empowered ( Managementparadise, 2012 ) . 2.5 Shared values of CCL Derived from the mission and vision of Carnival Cruise Lines ( see 2.1 ) the company has set some company values that were a high precedence. With respect to the shared values of CCL the undermentioned strengths can be identified: Strengths Failings Strong company values Focus on the environment Strength Strong company values The company values are: honestness, unity, equity, cordial reception and teamwork. The values are deemed of import to make their occupation in a right mode. Strength Focus on the environment Carnival Cruise Lines, as all other sail lines in the industry, takes much pride in the focal point they put on the environment. They invest to a great extent in wellness and safety, both for clients and for employees. There is a really strong focal point on the environment and to work in a greener manner. Charity is besides one of the cardinal constituents of their societal duty scheme. 2.6 Skills at CCL Working in the leisure industry requires some specific accomplishments that you can non ever learn. Most of import accomplishments that person working in the leisure industry would necessitate, are the undermentioned: client focused, empathy, squad work, emphasis immune, multi-cultural, service orientation and multi linguistic. With respect to the accomplishments of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strengths can be identified: Strengths Failings Strong attending for accomplishments A ; attitude Loyalty plans in topographic point Strength Strong attending for accomplishments A ; attitude Since Carnival Cruise Lines wants to be seen as the sail line that delivers fun, the attitude of the employees is really of import as good. The employees need to be cheerful and enthusiastic. CCL puts great attempt in exciting the coveted accomplishments and attitude of the employees. Strength Loyalty plans in topographic point CCL has its trueness plans in topographic point. The company introduced a new trueness plan in 2012 supplying past invitees with a assortment of value-added benefits and characteristics, including precedence boarding and disembarkation, guaranteed supper nine reserves and dining times, personalized letter paper and custom-designed CCL logo points ( Carnival, 2012 ) . Contrary to what is stated in the concern instance, Carnival Cruise Lines has now its trueness plans in topographic point. 2.7 Staff at CCL Cruise ships typically operate with three categories of crew. The first is the officers: these professionals are extremely paid and given ultimate bid of the ship. The 2nd is entertainers and wait staff: typically lower-paid, but from the same states as the patrol cars that they serve. Finally, most of the ships crew is drawn from developing states. While wage is low, the wage can stand for an attractive chance for these workers, who frequently work 10-month contracts without being able to see their places and households. Employee turnover is high, and few of the crew sees working on a sail ship as a feasible long-run calling. Staff remains 24/7 on board of the ship, have their ain cabins at the lowest two decks of the ship. Lone officers are allowed to blend between invitees, this at particular occasions and in formal garb. Other crew members have dedicated times during which they can be present on guest decks. With respect to the staff of Carnival Cruise Lines the undermentioned strengths can be identified: Strengths Failings Operational excellence A ; experience Endowment development plans in topographic point Strength Operational excellence A ; experience Carnival Cruise Lines has achieved below-industry-average costs and above-average gross historically. This is mostly due to the company s huge experience in owning and operating sails, every bit good as some smart strategic dramas. That advantage makes spread outing into new markets immensely easier for CCL than for a smaller participant or nouveau-riche house. CCL has the largest pool of informations to pull on to find what does and does non work and has the most experient sellers of sails in the universe. These soft advantages let CCL potentially section its clients more expeditiously than rivals ( Levin, Jones, A ; Slade, 2011 ) . Strength Endowment development plans in topographic point CCL has a separate preparation and development section set up in the organisation. The corporation invests to a great extent in coaching of high potencies by giving them larning chances that are fit for their personal demands. 2.8 Information Management The current IT landscape of CCL is much diversified. First of wholly, the IT landscape is split in the shore side systems and the shipboard systems. This split between on shore and shipboard adds a dimension to the complexness of the landscape, since most of the shipboard systems need to be able to pass on to the shore side systems. An extra challenge in the current IT landscape is the usage of bequest systems. Since there are fundamentally merely three chief rivals in the sail industry, there is non truly a seller that specializes in cruise industry systems , therefore all the sail companies use their ain developed systems. Old ages ago, this was non truly a job, but nowadays with the globalisation of industries, restrictions of these bequest systems refrain CCL to be every bit nimble as they would wish to be. Figure X gives a high degree overview of the current IT landscape within Carnival Cruise Lines at the clip of the instance description One can presume that due to acquisition s between 2006 and 2012 this landscape has grown in complexness even more. Another type of systems now in the current landscape which were non described in the instance are the hazard direction and internal control systems. For this CCL uses IBM OpenPages Financial Controls Management and IBM OpenPages Operational Risk Management ( IBM Corporation, 2011 ) . Figure Information systems within CCL With respect to Information Management the undermentioned strength and failings can be identified: Strengths Failings Excellent engagement system for travel agents Decentralized systems Bequest systems No overview of undertaking portfolio Weak resource direction TCO for IT non in topographic point Outsourcing degree 2 A ; 3 support hard Strength Excellent engagement system for travel agents From a travel agent s position CCL is easy to make concern with: travel agents will state that Carnival is much easier to work with than Royal ( Appendix X, interview Vicky Freed ) . Carnival Cruise Lines has upgraded the engagement engine within its travel agent web portal, to assist agents salvage clip when booking reserves online. A streamlined and simplified procedure for pull offing engagements, every bit good as an synergistic toolbar that provides easier pilotage between different constituents of the engagement engine, do it easier for agents to book sails for their clients. In add-on to an wholly new design and pilotage, the upgraded engagement engine offers convenient links to several applications ( Travel Agent Central, 2012 ) . The updated engagement engine is designed to reflect the changing concern theoretical accounts of travel agents and represents the latest sweetening to this comprehensive portal which serves as a one-stop-shop for travel agents to carry through all of their gross revenues and selling demands ( Lynn Torrent, senior frailty president of gross revenues and guest services CCL ) . Failing Decentralized systems The decentalisation within Carnival Cruise Lines translates into a decentalisation of systems as good. Decisions are nt ever communicated from one sail line to the other, which leads to duplicate of attempt. This decentalisation of the concern organisation translates to the IT organisation every bit good. Every trade name has its ain IT section with ain systems and substructure. Failing Bequest systems There are many legacy systems. Since there are nt many participants in the cruising sector, most of the strategic of import applications are custom made. This leads to a spaghetti landscape in which integrating is really hard and which affects the clip to market significantly. Failing No overview of undertaking portfolio Undertakings can get down within a concern unit or on a corporate degree within CCL. Since the concern is set up in separate concern units, with their ain IT departments, there is a batch of duplicate of attempt. There in non one planetary IT Program Management Office that oversees all the current undertakings and their demands for IT. This has both an impact on the IT resource direction as on the IT landscape that runs the hazard to acquire even more diversified. Failing Weak resource direction Due to the deficiency of a prioritization procedure for undertakings, the first-in-first-out rule is frequently used, this means that resources get allocated either to the undertaking that came in the grapevine foremost or either to the undertaking that has a concern proprietor or undertaking director who is really persuasive. Without the prioritization procedure in topographic point, it is really hard for the IT direction to make up ones mind where to apportion resources to. The deficiency of prioritization leads to defeat on the concern side, because there is the perceptual experience that IT is non able to present in clip. Failing TCO for IT non in topographic point To truly understand the entire cost of IT for the concern all costs of IT should be made transparent and apprehensible for any concern proprietor. Currently CCL has no entire cost of ownership for IT in topographic point. Reasons for non holding TCO for IT in topographic point are assorted ; it is really hard to truly acquire cost like web transparent, an IT service catalogue needs to be in topographic point, IT direction needs to be committed, aˆÂ ¦ However implementing TCO for IT will assist the IT direction acquire the battalion of costs as a consequence of duplicate of attempt seeable to the concern. Failing Outsourcing degree 2 A ; 3 support hard As already stated above, most of the applications of CCL are custom made. This in-house development induces resources with a really specific cognition. Often, this cognition is both on the system side as on the concern procedure side and hence confidential. Outsourcing degree 2 and 3 support is really hard, due to these specific cognition. 2.9 Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management is a procedure, effected by an entity s board of managers, direction and other forces, applied in scheme scene and across the endeavor, designed to place possible events that may impact the entity, and manage hazard to be within its hazard appetency, to supply sensible confidence sing the accomplishment of entity aims ( COSO, 2004 ) . Organizations which manage hazard efficaciously and expeditiously are more likely to accomplish their ends and to accomplish this at a lower overall cost. Risk direction is hence good direction. Risk direction should be a multi-faceted subject: frequently referred to as endeavor, integrated, holistic or practical hazard direction ( The Institute of Risk Management, 2012 ) . The aim of a hazard direction model is to assist guarantee that appropriate proficient and administrative controls are identified and implemented to protect information resources and assist guarantee continuity of concern operations ( Hillson, 2006 ) . With respect to Risk Management the undermentioned strengths and failings can be identified for CCL: Strengths Failings Enterprise Risk Management in topographic point Good models Strong focal point on security A ; privateness ordinances Poor safety record Strength Enterprise Risk Management in topographic point Carnival Cruise Lines has introduced the Enterprise Risk Management ( ERM ) plan. This plan is designed to place, buttocks, manage and describe the most important concern and strategic hazards faced by the company to senior direction and the Board of Directors. The ERM plan is overseen by a squad within the Corporate Risk Advisory A ; Assurance Services Department, based in the Miami central office. CCL besides maintains onsite squads at each of its trade names, in order to remain aligned with the corporation s by and large decentralized direction construction and to develop on-site audit expertness at each of the major trade names. ( IBM Corporation, 2011 ) . Within CCL s concern units risk direction and internal control is an on-going procedure. It is designed to place, measure and pull off the important hazards faced by the units and is embedded in each of the operations. A system of internal controls has been established to be capable of reacting rapidly to germinating hazards in the concern. It includes processs for the direct coverage of material internal control deficiencies together with the appropriate disciplinary action. The corporate executive direction squad receives periodic information sing internal control issues originating at the concern units. The primary focal point of this facet of the system is the corporate Management Advisory Services ( MAS ) Department. MAS is responsible for supervising the procedure, guaranting that issues common to more than one concern unit are identified and that all relevant affairs are brought to the attending of the boards as a whole. The MAS Department is supported by the Corporate Finance and Corporate Legal Departments, every bit good as the CEO, COO and the CFO ( CCL, 2010 ) . Strength Good models CCL has adopted the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission ( COSO ) counsel for implementing its internal control model as portion of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act SectionA 404 conformity program ( CCL, 2010 ) . The COSO model for ERM provides cardinal rules and constructs, a common linguistic communication, and clear way and counsel for organisations to measure and better their endeavor hazard direction ( COSO, 2004 ) . Carnival Cruise Lines has a structured attack to monitoring and pull offing operational, fiscal and conformity hazard across the corporation s spectrum of sail trade names. The system allows a high grade of comparison across the trade name portfolio while acknowledging the differences that make each person runing company unique ( IBM Corporation, 2011 ) . The key to CCL s attack to scrutinizing hazard is the conceptualisation of each of its trade names as a set of concern procedures. Despite the differences in organisational constructions, IT infrastructures and market sections, Carnival Cruise Lines operating companies all operate chiefly in the sail industry, which enables the organisation to set up a common analytical model. CCL has identified over 300 single procedures that are organized into 13 subdivisions as shown in figure X ( CCL, 2010 ) . 1. Understand markets and clients 2. Design merchandises and services 3. Market and sell cruise/tour merchandises 4. Deliver cruise merchandise and services 5. Pull off supply concatenation 6. Procedure gross Billingss and aggregations 7. Pull off fiscal resources 8. Pull off physical assets 9. Develop and pull off HR 10. Manage information resources and engineering 11. Manage environmental wellness, safety, and security 12. Manage support services 13. Pull off other non-cruise operations Figure Sections ERM model ( CCL, 2010 ) A hazard categorization strategy was established in concurrence with the direction. This strategy identifies and assesses the hazards associated with each procedure. The full theoretical account contains hazards that are categorized as fiscal, operational or compliance-related. For each major sail trade name are about 1,200 hazards identified ( IBM Corporation, 2011 ) . One of our cardinal ends has ever been to corroborate that controls and processs are designed and run efficaciously both shipboard and shore side. Our process-based attack to monitoring hazard is an effectual internal tool that gives us the confidence of a comprehensive, consistent position of hazard factors across all our assorted trade names. It is a great manner to gestate our concern ( Richard Brilliant, Sr. Vice President and Chief Audit Executive CCL ) . A individual package platform ( IBM OpenPages Operational Risk Management ) is implemented to guarantee planetary consistence. Strength Strong focal point on security A ; privateness ordinances CCL is a member of the Cruise Lines International Association ( CLIA ) . CLIA members are required to follow with all international, flag and port province criterions and ordinances to guarantee the safety and security of riders. Figure Regulations and Compliance in sail industry ( CLIA, 2012 ) Privacy is about the claim of persons and the social value stand foring that claim, to command the usage and revelation of their information ( Faden, 1993 ) . Privacy and Data Protection are typically interpreted in footings of criterions for the intervention and airing of certain types of personal information ( Movius A ; Krup, 2009 ) . CCL strongly aims to follow with security and privateness ordinances ( beginning ) . Appendix X provides an overview of international ordinances that deal with security and privateness. Failing Poor safety record Pull offing reputational hazard in the sail industry has neer been smooth seafaring. See that the universe s most well-known luxury sail of all clip is the 1 that struck an iceberg and claimed the lives of 1,523 riders and crew ( Risk A ; Insurance, 2012 ) . There is no public database of major sail accidents, but CCL has a notably worse safety record than other sail companies. The Costa Concordia calamity has been the most recent in the company s safety sufferings. The Center for Disease Control does track all major viral eruptions on sail lines. In the 2009-2011 period, CCL-owned companies accounted for 56 % of all viral eruptions, compared to a 48 % mean market portion. The company is besides thought to hold a worse safety record for individuals lost at sea, particularly in the Carnival trade name: of the 179 disappearings since 2000, CCL entirely accounts for about 30 % of them ( Levin, Jones, A ; Slade, 2011 ) . In 2009, Carnival Cruise Lines experienced bad imperativeness when three riders fell off ships in a three hebdomad period. There were a sum of 22 incidents of riders falling overboard in 2009. In December 2008, riders on the CCL owned Oceania sail ship were attacked by Somali plagiarists. The media attending when something happens on a sail ship reflects negatively on the company and the industry. ( KORTER )

Sunday, October 20, 2019

On Being a Travel Writer for AAA

On Being a Travel Writer for AAA Wanderlust bit me early – as a toddler skipping stones across the Great Lakes, and as a young girl fishing with Dad in the Florida Keys. I’d often dreamed of being a travel writer. After attending the 2011 Missouri Writer’s Guild conference, I had the opportunity to connect with the editor of AAA Midwest Traveler and AAA Southern Traveler. She requested writing samples I’d penned on travel. I jumped at the chance, and emailed her a feature article on horse drawn sleigh-riding published in Missouri Life, two stories on Folly Beach, South Carolina published in The Folly Current, and a personal essay on scuba diving. The editor enjoyed my stories and mailed me a contract for a Caribbean feature article, â€Å"Inside the Bahamas Out Islands,† covering romance in Great Guana Cay, Abaco; Hopetown Elbow Cay’s history, and water sports in Eleuthera, Bahamas. The contract recapped the story idea, provided formatting guidelines, word count, due date, contracted amount, and assignment letter. AAA article prices are preset, so there was no negotiation. After signing and returning the paperwork, I used the assignment letter to contact tourism offices in the locale I was visiting. Sometimes perks are offered After arriving at a resort, I meet with the Public Relations Manager or General Manager to discuss the resort’s unique features and secure quotes pertinent to the article. Perks have included butlered-stays at Sandals Emerald Bay, Exuma, behind the scenes tours at Churchill Downs, an upgrade to an oceanfront beach house in the Bahamas, and an all-day fast-boat adventure in the Exuma Cays. I cherish these comps as I never know when I’ll receive them. As with any story, it’s important to â€Å"Show, Don’t Tell,† a pearl of wisdom I learned as a member of my writing group Saturday Writers. The aroma of the frangipani, the cool ocean mist touching skin, the tangerine and blue violet sunset, all add to the experience. Creating visual images places the reader in the moment. Anything less cheats them. Carrying a variety of cameras helps me connect the dots at a later date, especially if I can’t remember if the hibiscus floating in the sunken tub was red-orange or magenta, or the shape of water droplets in a tide pool were round or oval. I carry a small notebook with me at all times, especially when I’m writing on ocean adventures when a computer isn’t feasible. While on a 007 Thunderball adventure tour in the Exuma Cays, we stopped to feed iguanas, snorkel in the grotto where the James Bond movie Thunderball was filmed, and skip on the sand at Galiot Cay sandbar. Experiences are key in travel writing. When writing about spa-cations then The query period for AAA is open from January through April. Assignments are set shortly thereafter, with deadlines the following year, unless otherwise stated. Source and contact information should be supplied to your editor, whether at AAA or otherwise, which includes names, addresses, emails, websites, and phone numbers for anyone you’ve interviewed or photographed. AAA verifies source information and fact checks the article closer to the date. When you add up all the adventures, people met, and land traversed, it’s not a bad gig. The fact that I’m able to combine my love of traveling with writing and photography is a blessing. And I’ve made many friends along the way.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Literary Analysis on Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay

Literary Analysis on Everyday Use by Alice Walker - Essay Example vealed by the use she intends to put the quilts to, and by the fact that her sudden interest in her heritage has been sparked by her exposure to an American reinterpretation of it. Dee is one of the people W.E.B. Du Bois refers to in The Souls of Our Striving, who struggle with the apparent incompatibility of their family heritage, and the Black heritage that is filtered through the context of American life. In contrast, Maggie, who still lives in the family home, lives her culture every day, shown simply by the fact that she will use those quilts every day, and by the fact that she realizes the quilts themselves are less important than the family memories that they represent. In Everyday Use Walker uses characterization and symbolism to show the reader that culture is something that people live, and that culture as a learned institution does not provide one with full understanding. Complex and well-developed characterization forms a significant part of understanding the way culture is portrayed in the story. We are first introduced to Mama, whose first name we never learn – she simply identifies herself as â€Å"a Johnson†. (Walker 518)Mama lacks education and quick wits, but she â€Å"can work outside all day† (Walker 518) and â€Å"kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man†. (Walker 518) Despite seeming proud of her physical prowess, Mama shows dissatisfaction with herself when she begins to think of Dee, remembering that while Dee â€Å"would always look anyone in the eye†, (Walker 518) Mama herself is unable to. When we first see Maggie, she is â€Å"almost hidden by the door†. (Walker 518) Maggie’s character remains hidden to the reader for most of the story – it is only towards the end, and in contrast with Dee, that we are shown her depth of character. As the story unfolds, we see that Maggie an d Mama are similar in how they identify with family and memories, and in showing these similarities we see that Maggie herself is part of the family and

Aunt Jemima as an Example Racial Superiority and Stereotyping Essay

Aunt Jemima as an Example Racial Superiority and Stereotyping - Essay Example The origin of the logo for the company was said to have come up when Chris Butt, who had developed a recipe for self-rising pancakes happened to see a minstrel show by two comedians Baker and Farrell (William & Mary University). Rutt and his partner took inspiration from a character portrayed by the minstrel show and the logo of Aunt Jemima was born. Initially, the picture showed a colored woman dressed as a typical Southern slave with a headdress that used to be worn by such classes during the time of slavery. While the promoters of the product claimed that the logo was an indication of Southern hospitality, many others felt that it portrayed a benign or subtle form of racism and stereotyping. By the 1950s, protests against the logo grew, especially among the African American community. The company then changed its (popular) logo, depicting younger Jemima without the headdress. The final version of the logo showed a graying African American woman with earrings was brought out in 198 9. This, according to the company intended to portray the message that the lady in the picture was a working mother (and not a slave). But the racist angle still remained because she was colored and not Caucasian or White. The Company also removed their punchline, I'm in town, honey’, which was typical of the language used by the community at that time. A society dominated by whites, exploitation of colored people in the form of entertainment and business was seen as acceptable and even reassuring superiority of class ("Exploiting race and ethnicity"). According to the article, consumers (White) were comfortable when colored people were seen as contented plantation workers who were ignorant and comical fools. Author M.M. Manning agrees with the view that Aunt Jemima logo does portray and image of race superiority.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Poetry by Emily Dickinson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Poetry by Emily Dickinson - Essay Example Many people mourned the men lost in Civil War battles that year and it was not just their families that mourned them, it was whole towns and states. Taken in light of the year it was written this poem makes sense, the Civil War affected everyone in the country. Not only were the people mourning the death of the strangers who lost their lives on the battlefield but they were also mourning the loss of the Union itself (Moore, 131-132). The plot in "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" is the narrator is picked up by Death and is heading towards eternity. Patricia Engle in her article in the Explicator states that "It is simply not her nature to stop for Death. She realizes that she cannot recognize Death's power over her" (74). Dickinson contrasts life with death in such a way that it is almost unnoticeable until you really read the poem closely. She also covers the stages of life very well with the "children", "grazing grain", and "setting sun" being used as metaphors for the different stages one must go through to be able to ride in Death's carriage (Dickinson, reprinted in Explicator, 73). In "As By The Dead We Love To Sit" Dickinson tells the story of how we miss the dead once they are gone more than we do the living. Also, how we try to hold onto the lost but are not able to sometimes. There is a difference between the lost and the dead in this poem which is why they are both their. The lost are the people who for one reason or another have left the life of the narrator but are not dead. However, the main question of the poem is why do we value a person more when they are lost or dead than when there are alive and here with us This is what the second quatrain is about how people tend on the whole to over-value something or someone they do not have (Daniels, 11). "I Felt A Funeral, In My Brain" is more about loneliness than death. The narrator tells how they have felt a funeral in their brain and are felling alone. The narrator is talking about what is inside their head not actual events that happened. Why is the narrator hearing or seeing these things Why do Silence, Sense, Mind, Space, and Reason seem to have human qualities even when they themselves are so ethereal I believe this poem is speaking more along the lines of a fear of being alone in life than being dead. The narrator sounds like they are loosing their mind. The whole tone of the poem is lonely. There is never another person mentioned. The plot in "I Measure Every Grief I Meet" is very easy to understand. The narrator is grieving and wants to know if other people's grief is as bad as theirs. Dickinson uses this poem to put forth the idea that nobody ever recovers from grief completely. There is always a part of you that is constantly mourning a loved one or something that you have lost. This poem left me feeling nothing personally but I did understand it better than some of the others, probably because it is so straight forward. There are no unusual uses of words or metaphors or any other literary tool. This is just a straight forward poem about grief. In the poem "It Was Not Death, For I Stood Up" the narrator denies that they are dead at first but comes to realize by the end of the poem that they really are. The reader does not

The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Civil Rights Revolutions of the 60s - Essay Example Since then, leaders and critics have already ceaselessly demanded that people, regardless of race and gender, should be accorded the respect that Whites have so far exclusively enjoyed. However, it was only during the 1960s when black Americans collectively demanded on the street, in churches and dialogues their rights as citizens under the United States Constitution. This mass movement was sparked by several important developments such as the efforts of four Southern students who initiated the Woolworth lunch counter to protest racial discrimination. (Farber and Bailey, p. 13) Then, there was also the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education, 1954-1955, wherein it was found that school segregation was unconstitutional. (Sargent, p. 2) Finally, there was also the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What was originally intended as anti-racial discrimination movement, the Rights Revolution came to cover several other issues that made the movements complic ated and far-reaching, especially in the context of reforms achieved. There was the clamor for economic, political and cultural policy-reforms, effectively highlighting the manner by which the Rights movements took the cudgels for several other causes.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Xerox Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Xerox Corporation - Assignment Example   Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network typically for an office or building. It is important in sharing information and data storage. This network can be built with low-priced hardware such as hubs, network adapters and Ethernet cables. It can depend on the wired connection for security, speed and for wireless connections. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) entails network of an entire city. It is larger than a LAN. It is used to connect several LANs to create a bigger network. Since it is mainly used on the campus, it is also referred to as a Campus Area Network. Wide Area Network (WAN) is a geographically dispersed telecommunications network over long distances. It entails several LANs and WANs. They are built using leased lines despite them being expensive. But for a lesser cost, one can use packet and circuit switching methods.The network may enable individuals to chat via email and transfer data over the network. It is different from other systems because it can be contr olled by an individual. Moreover, LAN has limited distance to move, few transmissions errors, a high-speed interface, high reliability and ability to handle data traffic. Additionally, the maintenance cost is reasonable and it uses technologies such as Ethernet and token ring. A good example is a network in an office building can be a LAN. The network can be used to share information and communication purposes. The network is significant in that it covers a larger geographical area and transfers data at a medium speed depending on the cables.


DEVELOP A BRIEF FOR THE IMPORTANCE OR SIGNIFICANCE OF NURSING THEORY IN THE PROFESSION OF NURSING.USE A SPECIFIC NURSING THEORY TO ILLUSTRATE YOUR POINTS - Essay Example Additionally, since the primary proponent of nursing-caring-cannot be assessed, it is significant to have a theory to evaluate and explain what nurses do. As medicine makes efforts to move towards implementing a more multidiscipline approach to health care, nursing continues to endeavor to institute an exceptional body of knowledge (McKenna, 2006). This can be observed as efforts by the nursing profession to keep its professional boundaries. The issue is unclear because the boundaries between nursing and medicine are never fixed. For instance, nurses progressively increase their range of practice by carrying out tasks previously performed by doctors. However, since these limits are continually changing, perhaps it is more significant for the nurses to define their stance and their role (McEwen & Wills, 2014). By offering nurses with a sense of identity, nursing theory helps patients, managers and other health care practitioners to identify the exceptional contribution of nurses in health care. Lastly, nursing theory such as the Self-Care theory offers the nurses an understanding of their roles and purposes in health care (Parker & Smi th,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Xerox Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Xerox Corporation - Assignment Example   Local Area Network (LAN) is a computer network typically for an office or building. It is important in sharing information and data storage. This network can be built with low-priced hardware such as hubs, network adapters and Ethernet cables. It can depend on the wired connection for security, speed and for wireless connections. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) entails network of an entire city. It is larger than a LAN. It is used to connect several LANs to create a bigger network. Since it is mainly used on the campus, it is also referred to as a Campus Area Network. Wide Area Network (WAN) is a geographically dispersed telecommunications network over long distances. It entails several LANs and WANs. They are built using leased lines despite them being expensive. But for a lesser cost, one can use packet and circuit switching methods.The network may enable individuals to chat via email and transfer data over the network. It is different from other systems because it can be contr olled by an individual. Moreover, LAN has limited distance to move, few transmissions errors, a high-speed interface, high reliability and ability to handle data traffic. Additionally, the maintenance cost is reasonable and it uses technologies such as Ethernet and token ring. A good example is a network in an office building can be a LAN. The network can be used to share information and communication purposes. The network is significant in that it covers a larger geographical area and transfers data at a medium speed depending on the cables.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research paper on Libya Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

On Libya - Research Paper Example The second event which marked the Italian colonialization of Turkey was the development of the Fourth Shore. Mussolini wanted to turn Libya into an Italian province and hence renamed it, Italy’s Fourth Shore. Remaking Libya began with dividing it into four provinces and investing heavily into its transportation infrastructure, irrigation technology and raw material extraction industry. It finally ended with the creation of the Libyan Colonization Society which promoted land reclamation and job creation for Italian settlers. As World War II began, and Italy pledged its allegiance to Germany, Cyrenaican and Tripolitanian leaders announced their support to the Allies led by Sayid Idris. After a tough war, Libya came under the Allied administration, in February 1943, which lasted till 24th December 1951, when Libya became the first country to attain autonomy through the United Nations. Headed by King Idris I, United Kingdom of Libya proclaimed its sovereignty as a constitutional a nd hereditary monarchy. Present Leader: The present president of Libya is Mohammed el-Megarif, who is also the chairman of the General National Congress. Current Political Context: 10 months after overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi’s dictatorial rule, Libya elected its new democratic government in August 2012, which was to be led by Mohammed el-Megarif. While Mohammed el-Megarif represented the National Front Party, in the elections, his opponent Ali Zaidan, was an independent candidate. Both candidates had a lush history of opposing the tyrannical Gaddafi and had been living in exile till his recent death. For the people of Libya who had been wearily waiting for the chaos and turmoil to end, this has come as a cry of relief. For many people, the election process itself has been a liberating experience, having served under a dictatorial leader for so long. The democratically elected government is backed by people’s faith in them and hosts a competent cabinet. Youth who forme d a majority of the voting population, were happy with the election results as they believed that the National Forces Alliance would be able to bring about policy changes in the functioning of Libya. The election results also spoke a great deal about the acceptance of religious ideologies among the general public. The chaos tired citizens chose to stay away from any candidate gunning a religious propaganda and the results promoted a fair and free government. Nonetheless, the government seeks to establish itself in the midst of the ongoing turmoil and in the attempt to ascertain peace and stability; it has to earn people’s respect by providing them security both physical and material, at the same time bring together opposing forces of the militia to build a stronger base. Economics & Art/Culture Sub-Heading: Libya – Holder of largest oil reserves in Africa Currency: Libyan Dinar (LYD) Major Economic Features: Libya holds Africa’s largest oil reserves and hence, i ts major products are crude oil, natural gas and refined petroleum products. The country revolves around its energy sector because poor soil and unsuitable climatic conditions limit the output that is gained from agriculture. According to CIA’s World Factbook, â€Å"95% of export earnings, 80% of GDP, and 99% of government revenue†